Student Requirements 和 Expectations - 九州体育平台入口-九州体育平台入口

You Must Have a Documented Disability

You must have substantial, as distinct from minor, impairments that limit major life activities such as seeing, hearing, speaking, walking, breathing, performing manual tasks, learning, caring for yourself, 和 working.

You Must Apply in the SAS Office for Services

You may request services or may be referred by instructors, outside agencies, other educational institutions or other appropriate professionals.


You Must Meet the Following Criteria

To be recommended for SAS support services 和/or special instruction, you must demonstrate 以下能力:

  • Potential to benefit from instruction in a group setting
  • Ability to do simple work independently with some cues/ assistance
  • Ability to follow directions 和 to attend to learning tasks for a reasonable period 的时间
  • Adequate attention span to profit from an hour of continuous instruction in a setting 与干扰
  • Sufficient language comprehension skills to benefit from the education program
  • Ability to perform meaningful classroom activities, using some form of both receptive 以及表达性语言
  • Behavior 和 emotional responses which are usually appropriate to the situation
  • Sufficient independent living skills to allow on-campus function, unless routinely accompanied by a personal assistant to perform necessary activities of daily living 功能

Repeated absences, misuse of services, lack of measurable progress toward the goals identified in the Academic Accommodations Plan (AAP) 和/or inappropriate behavior as identified in the Student Code of Conduct may result in termination of services 和/或SAS的指令.


学生 receiving services from SAS must:


  • Be responsible in their use of Student Accessibility Services equipment 和 adhere to the written services policies adopted by SAS.
  • Comply with the Student Code of Conduct 和 all other applicable statues 和 regulations 被学院采纳
  • Make measurable progress toward the goals established in the Student Educational Contract (SEC) as determined by the College Progress Policy



  • Take control of your life 和 develop independence.
  • Underst和 your abilities 和 disabilities, 和 be aware of the accommodations you 将需要.
  • Learn to be your own advocate by expressing your needs clearly to the SAS staff, 和 to your instructors early in the semester.
  • Take advantage of classes that offer instruction in basic skills, study skills, time management, stress reduction, 和 career planning.
  • Arrange for needed accommodations such as: books on tape, e-text, tape recorders, adaptive listening devices, interpreting, 和 note takers.
  • Use a calendar to record all appointments, test dates, 和 assignment due dates.
  • Plan a reasonable school, study 和 work schedule.
  • Sit near the front of the room to help eliminate distractions.
  • Go to all classes, be on time, take notes, 和 participate.
  • Plan on spending two to three hours of studying for every hour in class.
  • Organize long-term projects in a step by step fashion.
  • Request permission to use test taking accommodations.
  • Balance your schedule by allowing time for rest 和 recreation.